"Tuckpointing becomes mandatory when mortar joints have cracked, flaked, or disintegrated due to the abrasive effects of the elements."
Chicagoland Tuckpointing And Masonry Repair
Servicing all your masonry restoration needs while preserving your building's cosmetic appeal...
Our Services Include:
Masonry Restoration
Brick Repair
Stone Restoration
Lintel Replacement
Chimney Repair
Power Washing
Why Professional Tuckpointing is Essential for Protecting Your Building

Tuckpointing becomes mandatory when mortar joints have cracked, flaked, or disintegrated due to the abrasive effects of the elements. Although the right material and technique are enough to deliver a water-tight job, Arrow Masonry believes appearance is also a top priority. Our skilled crews carefully select the proper mortar mix and tools to compliment your existing mortar color and profile. If the cracks, gaps and voids within the mortar joints are left neglected, water will most certainly find its way into the interior causing leaks, damage to drywall, paint and promote mold growth.
Tuckpointing F.A.Q.s
Look closely at your masonry wall and if you notice voids, cracks, crumbling mortar, or uneven areas of mortar, chances are you need tuckpointing.
Any trapped moisture within the brick will react with the salts inside. As the moisture evaporates, the salts will crystallize on the masonry surface, creating white efflorescence. This powdery substance is seasonal and will dissipate on its own, but may reoccur. It can be temporarily halted with a mild muriatic acid solution.
The existing mortar color and profile can be matched (with approximately 90% accuracy) through careful manipulation of the actual color additive. Newly applied mortar will appear sharper in color because it hasn’t had a chance to weather and oxidize.